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We all want to commit to our goals,but sometimes we find ourselves in different situations(hangouts,social events etc.) that throw us off our goals or even slow down our progress.So the question remains,how do we balance the two(goals and social life)?Well here are my best tips:

1.Try to focus more on yourself.As hard as it seems,sometimes the best way to reach your goals is to stay a little bit by yourself,it won’t ruin your social life and sometimes it is needed if you want to reach your goals

2.Balance is key for long term physical and mental health.I know it contradicts what i said in the first point,but after a long time,you do need to be balanced,but in such a way that it won’t ruin your progress and you can still have fun.

3.Make your goal a priority.So that way you can still have time to put work into your goals and then,your social life.

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