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Let’s face it, despite all the positive improvements that you will come across in your fitness journey, there will also be a lot of obstacles that you have to face that might slow down your progress and even demotivate you from going to the gym as a whole.

That is why in this article, I will go over 6 fitness obstacles that are slowing down your results and how to get past them in order to reach your goals. Without further ado, let’s get straight into it:

1. Hitting a plateau

One of the worst moments that you can encounter on your fitness journey is hitting a strength/muscle-building plateau.

Usually it’s not a bad thing, but if you’ve been feeling like you’re stuck in terms or you overall progress in the gym, then it might be time to consider switching your program up, either by changing different exercises or even your routine as a whole, so that way you will give your body a different stimulus and signal it to grow more.

Don’t be afraid to give this a shot, you never know how much better your results will get from there.

2. Getting injured

Another thing that you might experience is injuries. Even though you might be perfect with your training and diet, eventually you will run into problems down the line with your gym progress.

Depending on how serious that said injury is, you might need to take it down a notch in terms of your training intensity or even take some time off from working out until your body is properly recovered.

You don’t need to be scared or anything like that, but do try to take some precautions in terms of you recovery, just to make sure that if something like this happens to you, that you won’t be dealing with anything serious.

3. You’re not getting in enough protein

The biggest issue that most people run into when they are trying to build muscle is simply not eating enough protein during the day. Now you don’t need to go crazy here, somewhere around 0.8-1 gram of protein per lbs of bodyweight should be enough to aid you in terms of muscle growth and recovery.

If you struggle to reach that number, I recommend using an app like MyFitnessPal to accurately track your calories and macros, so that way you will get to the results that you want without trying to just estimate your intake by eyeing things out.

4. You don’t have a plan or goal

When it’s all said and done, if you are serious about making a change, you need to have a specific plan or goal for when going to the gym.

Trying to just do random workouts can only take your progress so far and by having a specific target that you want to achieve will make you feel more motivated and you’re actually going to see results, instead of just spinning your wheels around for weeks or months on end like a headless chicken. So don’t skip this step, it is extremely important!

5. Losing your motivation

Oftentimes you will find yourself struggling a lot with your motivation levels in your fitness journey.

It is completely normal for that to happen, but if you’re finding yourself in situations where going to the gym sounds more like a drag than a reward, then it might be a sign that you’re on the wrong program. That is why you need to experiment with different goals or workout programs in order to find the right one for you and that gets you more excited to lift.

Working out should be fun, not a chore that you want to avoid at all costs.

6. Terrible fitness advice

If I could name one problem that is keeping most people from reaching their goals, then it would be simply following the wrong fitness advice that they see online.

There isn’t necessarily a ‘right’ way when it comes to seeing results from the gym, though if somebody is promising you a quick fix that will get you to where you want to be as fast as possible, then most likely they are just trying to BS you for their own benefit.

Always take everything that you see online with a grain of salt, because you never know if it’s actually legit or not.

I hope you’ve found this article helpful and that you are making progress towards your fitness goals.

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