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Let’s face it, no matter how experienced you are with going to the gym( beginner or advanced), you most definitely want to see more growth from your weightlifting program.

Well, in this article I will go over 6 ways that you can implement into your routine, so you can get more progress in your fitness journey and not have to spin your wheels around like so many people do. Without further ado, let’s get straight into it:

1. Get your protein in

In order to build muscle as efficiently as possible, your body needs enough protein in order to repair itself and become stronger over time. Usually around 0.8-1 g per pound of bodyweight is going to be enough in order to see progress, but you can go lower or even higher if you feel like that’s going to help.

The point is that getting in enough daily protein will be the key in terms of achieving the results that you want from your program.

2. Drink more water

Drinking at least 2-3 L of water per day is going to be crucial for your overall performance and results in the gym.

If you’re not properly hydrated during the day, your recovery will suffer for it, which might result in an injury over time, and not to mention that you won’t reach your full muscle-building potential, which is the main reason to why you workout in the first place.

A simple tip to ensure that you’re on the right track towards your goals is to drink at least 250-500 ml of water upon waking. That way it’ll be easier to reach the target that you set out during that day without too much hassle.

3. Utilize PreWorkout

If you do want to get the most out of your gym progress and train way more harder during your sessions, you should implement a pre-workout supplement into your routine.

Now this doesn’t mean that you should rely heavily on it whenever you’re training, but if in some days, you feel a bit more sluggish and don’t really want to workout, then it can be a great tool that can boost up your performance. Try it out and see how it goes.

4. Wake up at the same time daily

By doing this, you will be able to get better sleep per night which we all know how important it is for building muscle and recovery. Not to mention that by waking up at the same time every day, you are creating a structure in your day to day life which will help you get more stuff done throughout the day.

So do try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time, so that you can boost your results even further.

5. Say something positive when you wake up

Even though it may sound a little silly, saying things like:” I’ve got this!” Or “Today will be a good day!” will most likely put you in a better mood to train and your performance at the gym may get a little bit better as a byproduct.

Plus, if you have positive thoughts during the day, you might get a lot more stuff done and just feel more warm towards everyone that you might meet in your way, which in itself is pretty awesome anyway.

I hope you’ve found this article helpful and that you’re making progress towards your fitness goals.

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