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Let’s face it, if somebody had to list what was the hardest thing to do as a natural lifter in order to see results, it would probably be to have a proper diet in place in order to see more results in and outside of the gym.

However, you can make things even harder for yourself with a plan that doesn’t suit your lifestyle or goals and that makes you want to quit while you’re ahead, instead of maintaining it for a longer period of time.

That is why in this article I will go over 6 reasons why your diet is not going to work for your long term progress and what to do instead to reach your fitness goals in a more sustainable and effective way. Without further ado, let’s get straight to it:

1. It is not sustainable

When it’s all said and done, you don’t need to suffer in order to see more results from your fitness journey. You can still have a little bit of a ‘treat’ every now and then while still abiding by your total calories and macros for the day.

As long as you daily intake is mostly comprised of healthy whole foods and you’re eating enough protein for the day, you should still see great results from your program. Don’t think that you need to go hard or go home when dieting, because that mentality is simply not needed for your overall progress in the gym.

2. You’re eating too much junk

As opposed to the first point, the reason why you aren’t seeing more changes from your program is simply due to the fact that your diet is just filled with junk food. Balance will be key in terms of reaching your goals, but if you’re going overboard and eat 5,000 calories + in the hopes of building muscle, then the only thing that you will put on is just excess amounts of fat.

Maintain a surplus of around 200-300 calories, while consuming unprocessed whole foods, so that way you’ll be progressing in the right direction and not putting on a ton of body fat that you later have to cut down from.

3. You’re looking for a ‘quick fix’

At the end of the day, no matter what you may see on the internet, there is no such thing as a diet that will get you results in over 30 days. Not to mention that if it does work, you can’t simply expect to go back to your old eating habits and be able to maintain the progress that you’ve made in the long run.

Instead, you should just experiment more in the kitchen and just find what works for your goals. And with unlimited information from the internet, there is no way you won’t find meals that you enjoy and can stick to consistently.

4. Your food environment is trash

If there is one reason to why many people fail to stick with their diet, it would probably be that their food environment isn’t the best.

What I mean by this is that you find yourself in certain environments, in your own kitchen or when going out to eat, where the food quality is probably not the best ( a.k.a a lot of junk food) and instead of sticking to your calorie deficit for the day, you just end up going overboard by a huge margin.

I am not saying that you should be perfect, but if you always find yourself in places where there are a lot of ‘treats’, you might just cheat on your diet due to not having a lot of better alternatives, so just be careful is all I am saying.

5. You’re not accurately tracking your calories

When it’s all said and done, if you’re not accurately tracking your calories, you might far oof from your weight loss/gain goals by a big margin. You don’t need to be entirely obsessed of every single gram of food that you consume, but having a general estimation can definitely help in terms of reaching your fitness goals.

So try using an app like MyFitnessPal to better calculate how much you eat to get better results for your journey.

I hope you’ve found this article helpful and that you are making the progress that you want towards your fitness goals.

If you need help with your muscle-building goals and are a man in his 20’s, check out this link: https://payhip.com/b/xpURf

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