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Let’s face it, when you’re first starting to work out and get a bit more serious about your results, you’ve probably made a ton of excuses that either kept you stuck in terms of your gym progress or made you quit lifting altogether.

Well in this article, I am about to crush some of those excuses and give you exactly the right mindset to adopt, so that you can get the progress that you want without going back to your old habits over and over again. Without further ado, let’s get straight to it:

1. “I don’t have time to workout”

I do understand that most of us have a lot of stuff going on in our day-to-day lives, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t workout during the day.

The reality is that the only thing that is stopping you is time management, since if you did cut out or reduced some of your daily habits, you would be able to find the time to train in the gym.

Not to mention that if you do in fact live a pretty busy life, you can simply train 2-3x per week for only 30 minutes per session and you will still get in shape as somebody who is going 5-6. So don’t think that working out takes such a huge chunk of your day, because it really doesn’t.

2. “I’m too tired to train”

Look, if you think that every single person comes into the gym feeling at their best every time they train, then you are sadly mistaken. Most people that workout consistently, do put in the work even when they are tired or unmotivated, because they realise that they need to be disciplined in order to see results.

Nonetheless, if you feel chronically tired, you do need to do something about it since it will impair with your workout performance and how well you function during the day. But using it as an excuse to not work out will hinder your progress and you’ll have an average physique at best!

3. “I have a bad x joint and I can’t train”

While injuries in and of themselves are a pain in the ass to deal with, it doesn’t mean that you can’t work around them and still get an effective training session.

It doesn’t mean that there aren’t some injuries that are more painful than others, but if it’s something minor, like a discomfort or slight nudge in one of your joints, then you can still workout without any problem. You can switch up different exercises that you have in your routine or even train with light weights for a period of time.

Regardless, it is not a valid excuse( unless it is something serious) to skip the gym.

4. “I have bad genetics”

Even though your genetics play a big role in terms of how much muscle mass/strength you put on your frame, you can’t approximately know for sure how good they might be when you haven’t stayed consistent with working out and your diet for a longer period of time.

So unless you’ve spinned your wheels around for years on end( which is another issue that we will talk about some other time), then you can’t possibly know if you have bad genetics or not.

5. “I’ve tried everything, but nothing works”

If that REALLY was the case, then you wouldn’t be reading this article. You can lie to yourself all you want, but truth is that you either tried one solution that didn’t work or you’ve put a slight bit of effort into your goals and you’ve decided to quit.

At the end of the day, you just need to take a cold, hard look at yourself and actually decide to change. You either have results or excuses, nothing in between.

I hope that you’ve found this article helpful and that you’re making progress towards your fitness goals.

If you need help with your muscle-building goals and are a young man in his 20’s, check out this link: https://payhip.com/b/xpURf

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