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For most of us, getting in shape and following through with our goals can be a little bit challenging. Especially if you are someone who is just getting started in the gym and basically has no idea about what you should expect or do.

I was a beginner once too, so here are the 5 mistakes that I did and hopefully, by telling you this, I can help your training as well:

1. Doing too many exercises. I used to believe that if I did more exercises and more sets or reps, I would stimulate muscle growth. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case, since, in order to stimulate growth, all you need is a selection of exercises that can target most of your muscle groups twice throughout the week and, of course, getting close or to failure at most of them.

2. Not eating enough protein. I know there are a lot of jokes on the internet about this topic, but truth be told I was in fact not eating enough from my food throughout the day. Eating only 2-3 meals that were higher in protein and the rest not as high. So, just eat at least 4-5 meals with protein to stimulate muscle growth.

3. Not sleeping enough. I can safely say that most of us, no matter how perfect we think we are, don’t actually rest as long as we should. Even with that said, you still need to rest for at least 7 hours every night, so that your body is properly recovered and ready to perform optimally for the next session.

4. Being too stressed out. This isn’t talked about as much, but things can sometimes feel stressful and you feel way too frustrated for not doing things perfectly all the time. Remember this: consistency is key, if you do things correctly 80-90% of the time, you’ll see results.

5. Having unrealistic expectations. If you think that you will look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in two months, think again. I used to think I would be extremely jacked in a short period of time, but truth be told, it takes years to get an impressive physique, not to mention that your genetics matter the most in how you will look like. So take it slowly and don’t expect to have amazing results after a short period of time.

To conclude, we all start somewhere and these are my mistakes. Everyone Is different, so just take your time and enjoy the journey.

/ Muscle Building, Uncategorized

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