How to stay in a caloric deficit ( 5 rules)

Let’s face it, due to the advice on fat loss on the internet, you might find it harder to stay consistent with a caloric deficit and sustain it for a more extended period of time. Don’t worry though, because I am going to show you 5 rules that you can follow in order to make…

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8 Fat loss lies keeping you from making progress

Due to the amount of information on the internet, you might find yourself on your fat loss journey either with great results or frustrated because you aren’t seeing any changes. That is why I wrote down in this article 8 fat loss lies that prevent you from achieving the results that you want and hopefully,…

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6 Easy tricks to help you lose fat

Let’s face it, most of us want to lose excess fat in our bodies and be in shape or be more ripped. That is why I wrote this article and pointed out 6 tricks to help you do just that without overcomplicating the process or relying on useless supplements. So here they are: 1. Eat…

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What no one tells you about fat loss

When it comes down to losing fat/weight there is a lot of information on the internet that you can use to make the process more efficient and sustainable. However, there is a lot of advice that isn’t published or that nobody seems to give you regarding this subject. In this article, I will go over…

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How to lose weight without cutting calories

The most controversial topic when it comes to losing weight is that people seem to believe that if you are not counting your calories, you will most likely not get the results you seek. However, that is simply not true and there are certain things that you can introduce into your routine that will ensure…

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Why being 10% body fat year round is too lean for men

The most sought-out look by the men who start their fitness journey is the 10% body fat one( visible six-pack abs, having a sharper jawline, vascularity, and a little bit of muscle mass), although this may seem very cool, the vast majority of the population can’t get to this look naturally. The reason is that…

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How to reduce hunger and burn fat( 5 tips)

When it comes to losing weight, you will hear people talk about a caloric deficit to see the results you want. However, there are a lot of downsides to being in one, such as feeling colder and hungrier throughout the day, but the second option is the one that makes people fail their fat loss…

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5 Reasons why your diet is not working

When you are trying to get in shape and get the results that you want, typically the first advice that you get is to change up your diet and make it healthier with adequate amounts of protein. However, after you’ve done that, you still don’t see the results that you want, even after a few…

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