7 Weight lifting lies that are slowing down your progress

Let’s face it, with all the information that you can find online about lifting weights/nutrition, it is very easy to fall for some misconceptions, especially if you are only starting out at the gym. That is why in this article, I will go over 7 weight lifting lies that are slowing down your progress and…

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7 Bodybuilding myths that slow down your progress

When it’s all said and done, if you are or have been a beginner, chances are that you’ve encountered certain informations on the topic of building muscle and whether or not that is factual. Well, in this article I will go over 7 bodybuilding myths that you might see on the internet that are slowing…

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7 Things that are slowing down your gym progress

When starting out at the gym, you might feel overwhelmed by what you need to do in order to reach the results that you want to see in the mirror and you might make some mistakes into your own journey. However, there are some things that can slow down your progress even further that you…

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6 Easy ways to lose weight

Let’s face it, when it comes to losing weight, the process can feel dreadful at times and usually it will take months or years in order to see significant changes from your program. However, there can be a few things that you can do that will make your weightloss journey way more easier and get…

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Why you are gaining fat and not muscle( 5 mistakes)

When it’s all said and done, building muscle is a slow and gradual process and it will take a long time before you start seeing results from it. You will gain some weight during your journey, but if you feel like most of it is fat and not muscle mass, that just means that you…

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5 Eating habits that you need in order to get shredded

Let’s face it, getting lean isn’t an easy process and the hardest thing for most people will always be their diet. However, what if I told you that there are a few eating habits that you can include in your routine that will help you get there in a much more faster way? Well, in…

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