7 Signs that you are in a calorie deficit

When it comes down to creating a calorie deficit, many people, especially beginners, have no clue on what to expect from the process. This is why in this article, I will go over 7 signs that you are indeed on a cutting phase, so that you won’t spin your wheels around with no progress. Without…

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7 Fat loss myths to avoid for better progress

When it comes to losing fat effectively, you will hear a lot of misinformation regarding this topic on the internet. You will meet plenty of fitness gurus or scammers who will try to sell you certain things about getting the best results possible. In this article , I will go over 8 myths regarding fat…

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5 Tips to eliminate elbow pain from skull crushers

When it comes to lifting weights, one of the most common injury that might occur in the gym is elbow pain. That usually comes from performing an exercise that it’s called skull crusher and it’s working the long head of the triceps. In this article I will go over 5 tips to reduce that elbow…

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How to gain muscle faster( 5 tips)

When it comes to put on a great deal of muscle mass, the process will be slower and it will take a longer period of time until you will see results from it. However, there are a few things that you can do in order to speed up the process and get the gains that…

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7 Harsh truths about building muscle

When it comes to maximizing your muscle-building potential there are some brutal truths that aren’t talked about often in the fitness community that could help you out with your long-term progress. In this article, I will go over 7 of those truths and hopefuly it will help you with your journey. Without further ado, let’s…

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How to know if you are overtraining? ( 7 signs)

Even though a lot of people at the gym are not pushing themselves with their workout regime, there is a small percentage of people that do. If you’ve found yourself (hopefully) in the second category, you’ve probably wondered if you are overtraining. Well, look no futher, because in this article I will go over 7…

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How to take creatine for maximum muscle growth(5 easy steps)

The most discussed supplement when it comes to building an aesthetic physique and improving your athletic performance is creatine. With only 5 grams per day, you can experience significant changes in your body composition and strength potential. However, many people wonder if they should do a loading phase or take more than the recommended dosage…

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8 Bodybuilding myths that are false (Debunked)

When it comes to building muscle and achieving an impressive physique there are a lot of myths that are spread around on the internet that might have a negative impact on your overall progress. In this article, I will go over 8 of the most important ones to analyze and debunk each of them. Without…

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8 Ways to reduce hunger when you are dieting

One of the worst feelings, when you are trying to lose weight/fat, is getting hungry whilst you are in a calorie deficit. However, there are some ways that you can reduce your hunger and make the process more sustainable in the long run. Without further ado, let’s dive straight into it: 1. Maintain a small…

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