6 Reasons why your chest isn’t growing

When it comes down to building an aesthetic physique, most people will want a bigger chest to achieve it and it is safe to see why. Having better-developed pecs will make you appear stronger and more confident as well as fix your overall posture. However, when it comes to working out, there are some mistakes…

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6 Reasons why your shoulders aren’t growing

Despite not looking at the part, the shoulders are one of the most complex and largest muscle groups in your body, so knowing how to train them right in order to grow can be extremely important if you want an aesthetic physique. This is why I wrote down 6 reasons why your shoulders aren’t growing…

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How to ensure that you have a good workout

You finally had the courage to go to the gym and lift weights for the first time and now you are taking the process of building muscle seriously. However, after being on a training regime for a longer period of time, you aren’t seeing necessarily the results that you want and you are stagnating with…

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How to look bigger in clothes( 5 tips)

Let’s face it, if you’ve been going consistently to the gym for a longer period of time, you most likely are there to build as much muscle as you can and hopefully do it naturally as well. However, the issue with that is that depending on your body fat percentage, you might not look as…

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How to body-build on vacation( workout and diet tips)

Let’s face it, the hardest thing to do on your fitness journey is to stay consistent with the process, especially when you are on vacation. That is why in this article I will go over a few workout and diet tips that will help you with bodybuilding while you are off traveling: 1. Have a…

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Why you are gaining fat and not muscle( 5 mistakes)

When it comes down to building muscle, you’ll often hear the phrase ‘eat big to get big’. While some of that information is true, there are a lot of instances where it could ruin your physique instead of building it the way you want to. Here are 5 mistakes that are contributing to weight gain…

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Best and worst fruit choices when losing weight

When it comes to losing weight, a lot of people on the internet say that fruits are bad to consume and you should avoid them at all costs if you want to see results, however, that is simply not the truth. Fruits contain vitamins and fiber that are essential to your overall health and will…

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6 Bodybuilding nutrition myths that are false

When it comes to building muscle, having proper nutrition will be key. However, you may come across different information regarding this subject that will make your journey way more complicated than it actually is. Luckily, I’ve debunked 6 of these myths that will hopefully get you to the results that you want without overcomplicating the…

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How to build muscle as a beginner lifter (5 easy steps)

Let’s face it, stepping into a gym for the first time can be an intimidating thing, especially if it’s the first time that you are working out. However, after you did manage to make the first step, which is to train, you will be bombarded with information on the internet about what you need to…

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