7 Things you need to know when starting at the gym

When it comes to going to the gym for the first time, you will make certain mistakes and be intimidated by other regulars that you see. That is completely normal and it happens to absolutely everyone when starting their own fitness journey. However, there are some things that you can do that will not only…

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6 Fitness choices for a better physique

When it comes to being in better shape, it will all come down to the choices that you make on the day to day basis and how many good ones you make consistently. However, you can choose easier things that will improve your physique, and the likelihood of sticking to your fitness journey will also…

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How to lose weight more effectively? ( 8 ways)

Let’s face it, when it comes to losing weight, everybody wants to know how they can lose weight faster and look ripped in a more effective manner. This is why I wrote down 8 ways that will help with your weight loss goals so that you wouldn’t spin your wheels in the gym and outside…

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5 Mini gym tips to make your workouts better

When it comes to working out, there are certain things that you can do to make your training sessions much more efficient and better for your overall performance. However, due to the amount of information that is spreading out on the internet, you may end up overwhelmed and not sure of what you should do….

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7 Gym tips you need to avoid if you want to see results

When you are first starting out your weight training journey, you’ll come across different tips on how to get in shape and be able to get the results that you want. Unfortunately, some of those advices aren’t the best when it comes to reaching your goals and seeing the changes that you want in the…

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7 Gym mistakes you need to avoid for better results

When it comes down to our fitness goals, especially when just starting out, we tend to find ourselves making a lot of mistakes in our journey and we don’t even realize it at times. This is why I am going to be going through 8 of those mistakes and hopefully make you more informed on…

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8 Things stopping you from making progress in the gym

When it comes to working out, you will have some moments where things won’t go according to the plan you set out for yourself. These moments are normal, especially if you are a beginner, however, if you seem not to make any progress and do not see a significant improvement in the way you look…

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7 Fitness tips you’ll hear but should never do

When it comes down to reaching any fitness goal that you set out for yourself, you’ll hear a lot of advice on what you should do in order to reach that objective. However, there are some tips that will make your journey more difficult and probably give you poor results in the long run. That…

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How to stay in a caloric deficit ( 5 rules)

Let’s face it, due to the advice on fat loss on the internet, you might find it harder to stay consistent with a caloric deficit and sustain it for a more extended period of time. Don’t worry though, because I am going to show you 5 rules that you can follow in order to make…

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