6 Gym tips that no one tells you about

Sometimes it can be pretty difficult to know what you are doing at the gym, especially if you don’t have a personal trainer or someone to show you the ropes. You can find information online, but even then things can be tricky due to the fact that there are still a lot of misconceptions and…

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6 Ways supplement companies are ripping you off

Usually, when it comes to your fitness goals, you don’t necessarily need supplements, you only need to train hard and eat whole foods with enough protein. However, there are some that can be used as a bonus to optimize your performance, but there are a lot more that aren’t as beneficial and most companies may…

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Why being 10% body fat year round is too lean for men

The most sought-out look by the men who start their fitness journey is the 10% body fat one( visible six-pack abs, having a sharper jawline, vascularity, and a little bit of muscle mass), although this may seem very cool, the vast majority of the population can’t get to this look naturally. The reason is that…

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7 Dumb mistakes when trying to build muscle

Going to the gym can be pretty difficult at times, especially if you are a beginner and it’s the first time you ever walked into one. However, after you’ve managed to get the courage to go and try to build muscle mass, you’ll have some ups and downs along the way. It is completely normal…

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