7 of the craziest fitness myths debunked by science

If you are new to working out/ fitness, you may have seen some people’s advice on working out that didn’t just sit right with you or made you feel very confused about what you are doing, which is getting in shape. Well, there are certain myths in the fitness industry that a lot of people…

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6 Signs that you are in a caloric deficit

When you are deciding to finally lose weight and create a caloric deficit, it can be tricky to know if you are truly in one or not. You might have started to count your calories, eat more protein from whole foods, and lift weights/exercise regularly, but how do you know you are on the right…

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6 fat loss “facts” that are actually lies

When it comes to getting in shape/losing fat, we tend to do our own research on the topic and end up with a lot of advice from people online. However, some information may be misleading and can make a person’s fitness journey way more complicated than it has to be. So, here are 6 fat…

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6 Foods that you didn’t know were high in protein

If you are into bodybuilding, chances are that you’ve searched the internet for the best protein sources to build muscle. Although you might’ve heard of chicken breast, beef, fish, or protein powder as excellent sources of protein, there are still some foods that you didn’t know were loaded with it. So here are the top…

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