5 Worst cardio mistakes when trying to lose fat

Thinking that cardio alone is better for losing fat than your diet. Cardio can be a tool that you can use when it comes to losing weight, however, if your diet is not on point, you will simply not lose fat as effectively. It is also shown that a cardio session doesn’t burn as many…

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4 Fitness myths that are false

Doing ‘hot’ workouts. People think that when they are training with a ton of layers of clothing on them, that they are burning more calories through sweating. In reality, it is the exact opposite, mostly because it is messing up with their workouts, thus not leading to better fat loss results. “Fasted cardio is better…

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5 Tips to get rid of muscle soreness

Drink some caffeine 1 hour before your workout. The only problem that is with this tip, is that you have to take 400 mg of caffeine(approximately 3-4 cups of coffee). If you work out at night, this tip may not be for you, but the option is still there. 2. Eat enough protein throughout the…

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How to lose weight without tracking calories

1.Eat until you are no longer hungry,as opposed to eating until you’re food.This gives a signal to your body that it had enough food,while also giving it time to digest it.Making you eat less food overall and making it easier to lose weight. 2.Recognize when you are truly hungry.Knowing this will benefit you a lot…

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6 foods that are “healthy” but make you fat

1.Natural juices.Juices have too many calories in them and have a lot more sugar,thus making them less healthy.The replacement is simply eating a fruit instead. 2.Nuts and trail mixes.Nuts may be healthy and have healthier fats in them,but unfortunately,even six nuts contain approximately 200 calories.Your best alternative will be popcorn,since it has fewer calories and…

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4 creatine myths that are false

1.”You need to do a loading phase.”At the end of the day,taking only 5 g per day will help you achieve saturation from creatine much faster,meaning that you get to see the benefits much quicker;but you don’t need to do a loading phase,just take 5 g every day. 2.’You need to cycle it on and…

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Best 4 tips to build muscle on a budget

1.Shop most of your foods in bulk.Eating healthy does not have to be expensive and there are some foods,such as chicken breast and rice that are fairly cheap and you can actually buy them in bulk,that can also last you a long time and not be filled with mold. 2.Get a commercial gym membership.Commercial gyms…

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Best 5 high protein sources to build muscle

1.Chicken breast.It has approximately 20 g of protein for 100 g of a chicken breast,it is also good for losing weight,since it a low calorie food. 2.Beef.Very good protein source,same as chicken,about 20 g and it is also a great option for somebody that wants to gain weight,since it has more calories. 3.Eggs.This is as…

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