4 ways to measure progress at the gym

1.Log in your workout sessions.By logging your workouts,you can have a clear sense on which exercises you need to add more intensity to and it can give you more motivation at the gym. 2.Take progress pictures.After each workout,take a picture of yourself and over time you can see how far you’ve come. 3.Rely more on…

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Can intuitive eating work for weight loss?

In terms of weight loss,you probably heard that you need to be in a caloric deficit a.k.a eat less than you burn,which is inherently true. And as for advice,people are mostly indulged into eating healthy with enough protein,so that it will be easier to maintain a calorie deficit and not feel extremely hungry throughout the…

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Is being overweight a choice?

A lot of people claim that obese people always find excuses for themselves to not workout and that they are too lazy to change,but is in fact being extremely overweight a choice? The answer is yes.While many people didn’t necessarily want to get obese in the first place,they usually put on a ton of fat…

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4 Hacks that will make cutting easier

1.Switch the whole fat products with low fat ones.You will consume fewer calories and make your meals still taste good. 2.Pick lower calorie foods that are high in protein.You feel fuller and more satiated throughout the day,making it easier to stay in a deficit. 3.Drink more water.You feel more satiated,resulting in eating less food. 4.Sleep…

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Can you build muscle without supplements?

A lot of people who first start their fitness journey think that they need a lot of supplements in order to see the results that they want,but the truth is that is not the case. Supplements are mostly just an addition to your diet,but you don’t exactly ‘need’ them and you can build an impressive…

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The problem with self-development

Truth be told,everyone has an area of their life they want to improve,such as health and fitness,their income,their social life etc.;there is nothing wrong with that and if you took the time and effort to focus on any of theseyou will become a way more better version of yourself. However,at a certain time,just focusing on…

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