4 tips to stop binge eating

1.Eat foods that are higher in protein and that you enjoy,so that you will feel less hungry and more full throughout the day. 2.Drink more water.At least 2L per day,so you will have fewer cravings and feel satiated throughout the day. 3.Stop thinking about food and find something else to spend your time.Read more,meditate,learn a…

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How movie stars actually got their physique

Most of us when we start lifting and eating healthy,wanted to look like movie stars,such as Chris Hemsworth,Chris Evans etc.,but the truth is most of us can’t actually look like them natural and that just begs theb question,how did these movie stars achieve their physique? Well the truth is,that besides their dieting,most movie stars actually…

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4 ways to be more disciplined for your goals

1.Do the hard thing first.Whether to be weight training or even working,do something hard at the begining of the day,so that you’ll be way more stronger under pressure. 2.Instead of finding an excuse to start something in the next day,start in the present moment.As an example,instead of saying that you go to the gym the…

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3 ways to stop being a people pleaser

1.Know that not everyone will like you,love you or even make them happy.Some people no matter what aren’t going to like you,but that’s ok,because it’s giving you more confidence and reassurence that you don’t have to try that hard. 2.Put more time into yourself for a while.By doing so,you figure out your purpose and be…

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5 Ways to become more attractive

1.Eat healthier foods.This will help you more with your skin and make you appear more attractive. 2.Workout at least three times per week.If you go to the gym consistently,you will look better than 90% of the population. 3.Dress better.Get better clothing that suits your taste,while also making you look more confident in yourself. 4.Start having…

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Best 4 supplements to build muscle

1.Protein powder.This supplement can help with your daily protein goals and can be used in various recipes that can make you feel more full and satiated throughout the day. 2.Creatine.Taking only 5 grams of creatine per day can help your muscles look bigger and get more stronger in the gym. 3.Caffeine.It can help boost your…

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Why you are skinny with no abs

We all want to look aesthetic when we start our fitness journey and one of the features that everyone wants to have is some good ab muscles. Though you may have heard that abs are made in the kitchen and that you should strip down fat in order to see them,this could not really be…

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5 fat loss truths you need to know

1.The only way to lose fat/weight is to be in a calorie deficit.Even if people say they have a slow metabolism and they do a lot of cardio,it all comes down to eating less calories than you burn. 2.It takes some time to see results.They won’t come overnight and the only way to achieve them…

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