Can you workout and still go to parties?

The short answer is yes,but if we want to dive even further into this subject,we need to look at how alcohol and bad sleep affect muscle growth/losing weight. First things first,going to a party or a social event is a normal thing and just because you drink a little bit of alcohol or stay up…

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How to stop being obsessed with counting calories?

Trying to lose weight or build muscle isn’t an easy thing and most importantly,we want to make sure that we do everything right and to understand our bodies more and more. We end up eating healthy,lifting weights and maybe,even doing more cardio,but not see the results that we want in the mirror,whether trying to gain…

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What to do after a workout

1.Eat some food with protein.You don’t have to immediately consume protein after you workout and at the end of the day,only the amount of protein that you’ve consumed throughout that time will matter;whoever you should at least have some food at least 1-2 hours after you workout so that muscle protein synthesis will occur more…

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What to do before a workout

1.Eat before you go to the gym.Doesn’t matter if you train in the morning or at night,always make sure you eat something before you workout so that you will have plenty of energy. 2.Stay hydrated.Drinking enough water is key for preventing injuries and having enough energy to perform at your best,so make sure to stay…

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How to keep your muscle mass during a vacation?

1.Make sure you eat enough protein.Of course the protein needs to be from unprocessed whole foods,try to eat vegetables with a side of beef or chicken and some carbohydrates.You don’t have to worry about the calories since you’re on vacation,just make sure to eat at least 4 servings of food that have protein with them….

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How to stay consistent with your goals?

1.Make a plan.The easiest way to achieve your goals is to have a plan;that could be making a workout routine,changing your nutrition or how many days you go to the gym. 2.Realise that you won’t be perfect.Some days will be better than other days and even life will get in the way,so try to be…

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How to get more stronger in the gym?

1.Choose the right workout plan.If you want to build strenght then,choosing the right training is key;this could mean doing more powerlifting training rather than bodybuilding. 2.Make sure you apply progressive overload correctly.Do exercises with a better form,do more reps or even add more weight,this could mean even doing a 1 rep max and getting more…

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How to feel more confident in your own skin?

1.Practice self-love and gratitude.How you can do these two things is to change your mindset and speak kind words to yourself like:’i got this’,’i can do it’,as for gratitude,get or make a journal and write three things every day that you are grateful for. 2.Have a workout routine and stay consistent with it.If you exercise,you…

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Why focusing on yourself is better for achieving results.

A long time on my fitness journey,i’ve been mostly hanging out with friends,drinking or partying and not seeing the results that i wanted.It could’ve been the fact that i was working out from home,but i still had some pretty decent equipment.The fact of the matter is that i didn’t want to change and i was…

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